SWOT analysis is an overall evaluation of the company’s strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), and threats (T). Strengths are internal capabilities that may help the company reach its objectives. Weaknesses are internal limitations that may interfere with the company's ability to achieve its objectives. Opportunities are external factors that the company may be able to exploit to its advantage. And threats are current and emerging external factors that may challenge the company's performance.
Closeup has many strengths. This is the world’s first gel toothpaste ( first mover advantage), product adoption increased over time. Naturally, Close up was the first brand to be adopted. The dual benefits (shiny white teeth & fresh breath) and a modern ingredient (Mouthwash) makes it very appealing. Unique freshness – Because gel is softer then other toothpastes, it gave a different taste in the mouth and also dissolved easily and quickly thereby giving its users a unique freshness. Market leader in the gel-segment for almost 3 decades. Close-up is in the top 10 health & beauty brands in Rural Vietnam in 2019. It make excellent advertising and branding: It frequently used mouth freshness as a means to promote Close up toothpaste. Its campaigns also targeted the youth by showing people getting together and liking each other because of the use of Close up toothpaste. Close up has many ways of promoting products: using celebrities (Binz), TV commercials, make many famous event ( closeup - Kissmasutra, Freetolove music festival).
Closeup also has some weak points and should try to fix it. Firstly, Closeup is very popular only in Urban Areas so it misses the rural turnover. Secondly, closeup missing dentist’s testimonial ( only promotes freshness), different from the usual Sensodyne using dentist-certified advertisements. Thirdly, operating history is less than half of Colgate's life, so the experience of trading and dealing with market fluctuations is not as good as Colgate. And the range contains only gel based toothpastes, no option like 2 in 1 or cream based.
Closeup has many potential opportunities if it can penetrate the rural market. There are many campaigns launched by many brands that realize that penetration into the countryside is necessary to reach larger numbers. Therefore, Close up also needs to focus on rural penetration. And Improve product portfolio – The above opportunities show that Close up should also launch more product variants and at the same time advertise them to have maximum market penetration.
Because of the rapid development, there have been many threats to Closeup. Colgate, Patanjali, Pepsodent are all major threats to Close up because they are slowly but surely taking away the market share of Close up. Because there are so many toothpaste products today, consumers will have more choices. In fact, in India, Patanjali has even challenged the market share of Closeup. Currently on the market there are also many types of teeth whitening powders and are also quite popular - a new competitor of traditional toothpastes including Closeup.
Reference list:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XTvpbuognKc6pBI-kRlMRWgFzc50ydAx/view?usp=sharing ( page 54 / Chap 2) https://www.mbaskool.com/brandguide/fmcg/807-close-up.html#:~:text=SWOT%20analysis%20of%20Close%20Up%20analyses%20the%20brand,whereas%20opportunities%20and%20threats%20are%20the%20external%20factors. https://www.marketing91.com/swot-analysis-of-close-up/